Cost Segregation
Cost Segregation is an engineering-based study that permits commercial real estate owners to reclassify real property for depreciation purposes and reclassify it as more rapidly depreciating personal property. This reclassification results in significant cash flow benefits in both present and future years through considerably shorter depreciable tax life and accelerated depreciation methods.
90% of all commercial properties qualify for this program. Commercial Property Benefit provides an opportunity to significantly reduce federal taxes and improve cash flow.
Property Tax Mitigation
Outside of income taxes, the single largest recurring charge for commercial property owners are Property Taxes. In most states, owners are required to pay taxes on both their real estate as well as their personal property. These charges are often an immense expense and a constant hit to their bottom line. To ensure clients are not being overcharged on Property Taxes, we use an industry specialist with extensive market experience in valuation, tax, and law to perform their Property Tax Mitigation.
Most companies consider property taxes to be a fixed cost. However, a review of real and personal property tax assessments often results in the identification of opportunities for lower property tax bills. A property tax review can result in savings up to 10-25% or more of the total real and personal property taxes paid. Savings identified in the current year are typically realized in future years as well.
In addition to Commercial Property Tax Mitigation, we also offer the same service for residential property.
Manufacturing Incentives (R&D Tax Credit Study)
We utilize a team of highly qualified professionals including IP attorneys with engineering backgrounds and adhere to the Comprehensive Project by Project Approach methodology as required by the IRS. By following this methodology, we qualify every applicable employee, activity, hour spent, and corresponding wage paid in order to maximize the incentive for our client. We strictly adhere to the applicable sections of the code and provide first-in-class documentation to substantiate our findings.
The Manufacturing Incentives benefit is a Federal program designed for companies that perform manufacturing in the U.S. This program is listed under Section 41 of the IRC (Internal Revenue Code) and continues to be amended on an annual basis as the U.S. manufacturing landscape continues to evolve. This is an engineering-based program that focuses on a company’s operations and processes in order to determine their qualification for incentives. The Manufacturing Incentives benefit provides an avenue to receive ‘tax money’ back from prior years while also reducing current taxable income on a dollar-for-dollar basis.
Minimum Requirements: A U.S. firm that:
• Has $1.5M in annual payroll
• AND, has paid Federal taxes within the last 3 years, or plans to in the current year
Increased benefits are available for companies that are involved in:
• Developing and improving quality and cost-efficient solutions and processes
• Quality assurance and testing
• Engineering and design
• Manufacturing
• Prototyping or modeling
• Process improvement resulting in better productivity and turnaround cycle
• Specialized assembly processes using technology
• Developing tooling applications and solutions
• Product development and improvement